Okay, so Lauren hates it when she comes home and I make her take pictures. You'd think she would be used to it by now!! Here are a few from our last shoot.
Hey, I'm Kellye. I have taken pictures since my oldest daugter Lindsay started playing softball. She went on to play for UT and now plays professional softball for the Rockford Thunder. She gave me alot of inspiration trying over and over to get that great action shot. Lauren, my other daughter was into acting and modeling, so I got to try a whole new aspect of photography. Both of my boys play sports, so I am always challenged to get a better shot than before.
I like the new edgy photography, you know, the pictures that are not perfectly straight and shot from different angles.
I hope you enjoy my website. I have had alot of fun taking the pictures. Leave me your feedback, I want to constantly improve my photography!
My BEAUTIFUL BAREFOOTED BOHEMIAN. Beauty shines from within.